Workplace Compliance

Employers have compliance obligations set forth by prescribed legislation, including the Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA). In order to ensure that employees are healthy and safe in their workplace environment, employers are required to comply with specific regulations and standards for the safety of its workplace.

Being uninformed and ignorant of your legal responsibilities as an employer is not a defence for non-compliance. In order to avoid liability, it is crucial that employers continuously monitor and update their compliance requirements. The Ministry of Labour may prosecute and fine employers for any contravention of the Occupational Health and Safety Act or failing to comply with an order by an inspector, director or the minister.

Some Compliance Duties Include:

General duty to provide a safe workplace

This includes ensuring that machinery and equipment are safe for employees to use and developing procedures for handling emergency situations.

Duty to develop and implement policies and programs to prevent and eliminate workplace violence and workplace harassment

In addition to creating adequate workplace violence and harassment policies and programs to combat workplace violence and harassment, employers have an obligation to appropriately investigate workplace harassment incidents and complaints.

Duty to Identify and Control Workplace Hazards

Employers are required to take all reasonable steps to eliminate any workplace hazard. All hazards need to be promptly identified and isolated from employees

Duty to Train and Supervise Staff

Employees require the necessary training to ensure that they can properly use any equipment or machinery necessary for the business

Duty to Keep your Staff and Health Representatives Informed

Employees should be well versed in how to handle emergency situations and should regularly practice emergency procedures to ensure they are prepare for any and all workplace crises.

Duty to Report Accidents

Employers have an obligation to record and report any accidents or injuries that took place during employment. The employer is further required to put measures in place to prevent similar accidents from happening again.


Why Choose Employment Lawyers at Levitt LLP?

For many years, our employment lawyers have seamlessly guided organizations through the process of workplace assessment and evaluation, to help our clients identify gaps and better equip them to meet the increasingly complex compliance requirements that are facing employers.

Our employment lawyers are frequently involved in drafting and posting of policies and procedures that are understandable to all levels of employees, and our employment lawyers can help you select appropriate training programmes and provide ongoing evaluation on how well your organization is meeting its compliance obligations.

Each situation is unique; so, talk with one of our employment lawyers in Toronto, the GTA or across Canada to learn about how Levitt LLP can help you reduce the HR risks in your organization.


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